Lifeline System


Did you know that 13 of 100 get wrong help due to the lack of information in emergency situations? Lifeline system is a product that stores the most important health and I.C.E information, helping others saving your life and contact your relatives with just one touch when an accident occurs.


About Life Line System
I.C.E bracelets change

The usage of a Life Line bracelet can be found anywhere in the world and in thousands of different situations.

Every situation is unique and sharing your personal health status and I.C.E. contact information is always important when the unexpected occurs.

There are millions of people every year that receives incorrect help before and after emergency assistance arrives to the scene. This is what we want to change through enabling you to always carrying your I.C.E information in an easy and accessible bracelet.

Usage Area

The usage of a Life Line bracelet can be found anywhere in the world and in thousands of different situations. Most popular and recommended usage areas are as below:

Construction Industry: Companies ensuring the safety of their workers on site.

Travelers: Individuals and travel agencies prioritizing safety during trips .

Workplaces: Businesses that prioritize employee safety, especially in high-risk industries.

Healthcare Providers: Hospitals, clinics, and healthcare professionals who can use the tag for patient information.

Elderly Care Facilities: Nursing homes and assisted living facilities for monitoring and emergency information.

Chronic Illness Patients: Individuals with ongoing medical conditions who need quick access to their medical history.

Schools and Universities: Institutions looking to enhance student safety by providing emergency contact information.

Sports Teams and Fitness Centers: Organizations that want to ensure the safety of athletes and members, hikers, campers, and adventure groups who require quick access to emergency data.

Parents and Guardians: Individuals who want to keep their children’s emergency information readily available.

Tourism Boards: Organizations that promote safe travel or Companies managing large events where quick access to attendee information is crucial.

Insurance Companies: Firms that want to offer additional safety solutions to their clients.

Community Centers: Local organizations that provide safety solutions to their members.

Disability Support Organizations: Groups that support individuals with disabilities, providing essential information in emergencies.

Volunteer Organizations: Groups that work in disaster relief and emergency response.

Military and Defense: Organizations looking to enhance the safety of their personnel.

Already have a bracelet ?

If you already have a bracelet you can download our app by clicking on your trusted store and follow the instruction.